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Student Life
WHS Pep Rally Kicks Off Thanksgiving Break
On the last Wednesday before Thanksgiving Break, Winchester High School wrapped up Spirit Week with the annual pep rally, which never...
Leveling up to High School: A Freshmen’s Quest
Every year, seniors leave WHS, but the new year brings a fresh burst of energy to the school. Former 8th graders were familiar with...
Behind the Scenes of Winchester High School’s Annual Fall Play: Check Please
Although the curtain has fallen on this year’s fall play, Check Please , praise for the production continues to echo through the halls of...
Recap - WHS Model United Nations Conference Decisions
Conference Season is here for the WHS Model UN team! The excitement is real as students get ready to dive into their research and prepare...
Senioritis: How Has It Affected Seniors at WHS?
With the fall semester drawing to a close, seniors at Winchester High School are wrestling once again with an old adversary: senioritis....
What’s on WHS’ Fall Playlist?
Airpods seem to be in everyone’s ears nowadays. Regardless of the setting, it does not take much effort to find traces of music being...
Holiday Volunteer Opportunities Around Town
Holidays are the time of the year when everyone gathers at home with their loved ones enjoying their time off of school. But what if we...
Annual Faculty Costume Contest
Whether or not you showed up in costume at school on October 31, the teachers and staff definitely did. Each department had a different...
College Application Crunch
By November, seniors at Winchester High School are right in the thick of college application season. Since early decision and early...
WHS Takes the PSAT
Every single October, there's a familiar question heard across WHS, “ Do you plan on taking the PSAT? ” For most students, the answer is...
French Exchange Recap
As quarter one comes to a close, the arrival and departure of the French exchange students has been an interesting experience for WHS...
November SAT: Reactions
What better way to spend Hallo-weekend than waking up early to take the SAT? That’s right: the infamous test was held again this month...
Juniors Navigate NHS
For many students, junior year means maintaining one’s GPA, studying for the SAT, and participating in clubs or other extracurricular...
Recap-WHS Hosts Its 2024 Club Fair
As a new school year starts, so does an annual WHS tradition, a chance to meet new people and get involved with school life, and the club...
Senior College Preparation at WHS
College application season is in full swing at Winchester High School and seniors are definitely feeling the pressure. Balancing...
Halloween Spirit: How Does WHS Celebrate?
Halloween is just around the corner, and already the students at Winchester are hyped, putting finishing touches on plans for the night...
What’s Going On With the French Exchange Trip?
In downtown Winchester next to the town hall, you may have spotted a sign depicting the French and American flags, proclaiming...
The Ultimate Guide for Surviving—and Thriving At—THE Winchester High School
On September 5th, 8:25 sharp, Winchester High School came back to life from the Summer emptiness with the chatter and rustling in the...
How WHS Teams Are Fundraising This Autumn
Being a student-athlete entails more than keeping up with homework and practices, but being a leader too. Upperclassmen are nearly...
WHS Summer Snapshot - How Students Spent Their Summer Breaks
As students, there’s no time more sacred to us than summer vacation. We spend so much of the school year eagerly anticipating its arrival...
Checking in with a WHS Alum
While interviewing Maggie Fisher, a freshman in college at UPitt, I had the opportunity to hear what she had to say about her high school...
Building Communities and Friendships: Inside WHS’s Farmer’s Market Club
Winchester High School has many clubs, but none are quite like the Farmers’ Market Club. The club is centered around serving the...
Advice for incoming Freshmen
As the year comes to a close, many students at WHS are preparing for the next year of high school. But it’s important that we look back...
WHS Latin Club: A Year in Review
Though a language club, Winchester’s Latin Club (or Junior Classics League) remains relatively small compared to some of the others. Run...
Winchester Model UN Hosts Its Seventh Annual Conference
Now a seven-year-old tradition, the Winchester Model United Nations Club has hosted WINMUN, led by a congregation of committed students...
What’s On WHS’s Summer Playlist?
Every student at Winchester High School is counting down the days until summer vacation. For just a few months, they will finally have a...
The Board Game Club
On Wednesday, January 10, the Clubs and Activities section of the LG Room during WIN Black was filled with palpable excitement and...
The 2024 Junior Semi Formal
On a chilly winter night, the Junior Semi-Formal kicked off at 7 pm on January 5th in the WHS cafeteria. As students poured into the...
Biology Fundraiser Recap
On Wednesday, January 10th, 2024, the WHS Honors Biology Department hosted its very first Cancer Awareness Fundraiser. The past several...
Best Study Strategies and Tricks for Upcoming Midterms
As students fight their way through one of the most grueling parts of the school year, heaps of material from months ago to relearn and...
Applied Neuroscience: Discovering the Science Behind Your Brain
Have you ever wondered what lies within your brain, allowing you to run, jump, eat, and talk? Every second, billions upon trillions of...
Exciting Events to Look Forward to this Semester
As the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year comes to an end, let’s preview some classic WHS events coming up these next few...
When will WHS have a Snow Day?
After students were left disappointed on January 8, when Sunday night and Monday morning came and went with no announcement of a snow...
Should WHS Bring Back the Old Midterms & Finals Week Schedule?
Unfortunately, along with the end of the first semester comes midterm week. During midterm week, WHS runs on a special schedule with two...
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